Comprehensive Urological Care

Is there something you’ve been putting off but now you need to get help? Are you experiencing pain or discomfort and don’t know where to turn? Is someone in your family struggling with a urological disease and you want them to finally do something about it? We’ll go out of our way to ensure you feel safe and at ease no matter what type of urologic treatment you may need.

Neurogenic Bladder

Our bodies are equipped with special muscles and nerves that deliver messages between the bladder, spinal cord, and the brain. They help us know when it’s the right time to empty your bladder or hold your urine until the time is right. But for millions of Americans who struggle with neurogenic bladder complications, the nerves are unable to work properly, commonly leading to issues with leaking urine, holding your urine, kidney damage, and infections.

Neurogenic bladder can be caused by recurring infections, brain or spinal cord injury, birth defects, and genetics. It’s important to treat neurogenic bladder issues quickly because they can lead to unwanted damage to the kidneys. There are medications and even surgery that can help to relieve your symptoms and prevent any further internal damage.


A cystoscopy can be performed on both men and women, and is commonly regarded as an excellent way to diagnose and treat different conditions that may affect both your urethra and bladder health. The doctor can use a cystoscopy to investigate various symptoms you may be experiencing such as pain during urination, incontinence, blood in the urine, an overactive bladder, and urinary tract infections. We can even use the cystoscopy to diagnose and treat various bladder diseases such as inflammation, stones, or even cancer.

It’s also extremely useful for helping the doctor diagnose and treat an enlarged prostate where the urethra is narrowed as it passes through your prostate gland. The procedure itself involves a cystoscope (think of a hollowed tube) that allows for the safe examination of the lining of your bladder and your urethra, so we can determine if there are issues with urine leaving your bladder. It generally requires a local anesthetic to numb the urethra.

Prostate Biopsy

If you’ve been experiencing a diminished or slow urine stream, the frequent urge “to go,” excessive urination at night, among other symptoms. We can perform a prostate biopsy just to make sure there’s no prostate cancer present. It’s important to examine this area if you’ve had a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test that’s showing heightened levels according to your age, if bumps or a lump is present following a digital prostate exam, or if a previous PSA test came back high.

In the comfort and privacy of our Pittston office, we can easily remove portions of any questionable tissue in your prostate. The tissues are later placed under a microscope to detect any cell abnormalities or the possible presence of cancer. Whatever the outcome, you can feel assured you’re going receive the best care possible from our team.


Condyloma or genital/anal warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections that can affect both men and women. They are part of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and usually result in an infection that can be uncomfortable but is not necessarily harmful to you. A diagnosis usually follows the presence of small growths that can vary in shape from large, raised bumps similar to cauliflower or small pimples and warts that are pink, grey, red or the same color as your surrounding skin.

They can appear on the vulva, anus, and the cervix in some women and on the testicles, penis, and anus in men. You may require more than a single treatment to get rid of the condyloma. That’s why it’s critical for you to schedule follow-up care and adhere to the doctor’s recommendations. Treatment ranges from using a topical resin called podophyllin or bichloracetic acid. The application is easy and takes only a few minutes. If the infected area contains a large number of warts, they can also be surgically removed.

InterStim (urinary incontinence)

Do you struggle with or feel embarrassed by your urinary incontinence? If you answered yes, then you need to know you’re not alone. Most people feel uncomfortable discussing their issues with their doctor, a close family member, or friend. But there are over 33 million Americans who have an overactive bladder and continue to live their lives with incontinence. We’re here to help you break free from the cycle and get your life back using InterStim therapy for your urinary incontinence.

It’s reversible and uses a small device that’s implanted in the back and it’s specially designed to send mild electrical pulses to something called your sacral nerves which are responsible for controlling your bladder and the additional muscles that help you urinate. Sometimes the brain and these nerves fail to communicate properly leading to the bladder issues you may be experiencing. InterStim technology can help alleviate urge incontinence, urinary retention, and urgency/frequency where you feel like your bladder is unable to be emptied. InterStim therapy can sometimes be used temporarily and is usually recommended for patients who have previously tried medications or behavioral changes without any change to your symptoms.


The science of urodynamics is effective for both men and women. It involves performing tests to help us select a treatment that’s appropriate if you’re ready to say goodbye to urinary incontinence or other annoying symptoms. It’s highly specialized and used primarily to measure your bladder’s nerve and muscle function, pressure, and flow/retention rates. We can also get a better idea of how your body is storing and releasing urine with an emphasis on how well your bladder can completely empty itself in a steady manner.

Maybe your bladder is having a kind of involuntary contraction that causes overactivity or leakage. This test will let us know! Urodynamic testing can include cytometric tests, pressure flow studies, electromyography and more. Don’t continue to hide or struggle with urinary incontinence. Life is too short to miss on doing the things you love.

Xiaflex (Peyronie’s disease)

Xiaflex is an FDA-approved injection that’s used to treat Peyronie’s disease that’s marked by a painful curvature in the penis that can lead to embarrassment and painful, often times impossible, sex. It’s estimated that nearly nine percent of men struggle with this condition. It’s typically caused by a buildup of plaque or hard scar tissue that can grow under the skin of your penis. This can sometimes reduce elasticity on either side of the penis causing it to bend.

It’s the first non-surgical treatment for patients with a 30-degree bend and significant scar tissue. Xiaflex is derived from a special enzyme that can successfully break down the collagen that causes plaque and hard tissue buildup. Treatment with the medication typically involves a series of eight injections that usually occur every six weeks. We’re here to help you regain your self-confidence and your sex life.


A vasectomy is also known as male sterilization and it’s recommended as a permanent form of birth control for patients who are finished having children, choose not to have children, or have some sort of genetic or other incompatibilities with their sexual partner. This minor, outpatient procedure can be conducted in two different ways:

  • A conventional vasectomy – the doctor uses one or more minor cuts to the testicles to cut the vas deferens tubes.
  • A no-scalpel vasectomy – the doctor uses a small puncture in the testicles to extract the vas deferens to make the cut.

Using either of these methods, we can cut and close something called the vas deferens which are the small tubes that carry sperm from your testicles to the urethra. Following sterilization, a man can still produce sperm but they’re unable to travel out of the testicles. If you or someone you know is considering a vasectomy the first step is setting up an appointment to talk with the doctor. He’s always happy to answer any of your questions and address all of your concerns.

Vasectomy Reversal

Sometimes it happens. You go through with a vasectomy and then you want to have it reversed. Now what? The good news is there’s a solution and we can help you work through finding what will work for you. A vasectomy reversal does require more in-depth surgery that can come with anything from a 40 to over 90 percent success rate depending on your particular case. Depending on how long ago you had your vasectomy, all vasectomies can be reversed. But the longer ago you had the initial procedure, it could hinder your chances for a successful reversal. That’s why it’s important to speak your doctor about what your options may be.

Most likely, the doctor will discuss your medical history and perform a physical exam in order to rule out any health concerns that may have the ability to complicate your reversal surgery.

Theralogix (Supplement for urologic needs)

There’s no secret that nutritional supplements can make a great impact on your urologic health. That’s why we may recommend a brand highly regarded by physicians across the country called Theralogix. They offer effective options to promote better bladder and prostate health. Theralogix offers a unique multivitamin and mineral supplement to help you have a healthier bladder lining, a highly potent cranberry extract help promote normal urinary tract health, and various options for optimal prostate health.

If you’re interested in adding one of these supplements to your daily routine, it’s always important to speak with your doctor first.He can help you decide what will work best for your body and your budget to help you stay active, healthy, and feeling fantastic.