What is Condyloma and What You Can Do About it

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Condyloma – You’ve probably not heard them called this name before, but more commonly, condyloma refers to genital or anal warts. Now, we understand this can be a health care topic some folks don’t even want to know about. However, the truth is that condyloma is one of the more common sexually transmitted diseases that affects both women and men.

As your urologist, I hope the more we shed light on subjects like this, the less taboo or embarrassing they become to talk about!

Are Genital Warts and HPV the Same?

Genital and anal warts aren’t the same as the human papillomavirus or HPV, they’re actually caused by it. Even though HPV has 100 different strains, there are two subtypes (6 and 11) that are responsible for 90 percent of condyloma outbreaks. It’s important to note that HPV spreads through skin-on-skin contact during sexual activity, and you don’t necessarily even need to have vaginal or anal intercourse to spread the infection.

How Do You Know if You Have Condyloma?

HPV can be tricky. Some people who become infected show no symptoms at all and the infection clears away without medical intervention. However, other patients will develop warts in an around their genital or anal area. A diagnosis of the disease by your urologist in Greater Pittston usually follows the presence of small growths that tend to vary in shape and size. Warts can appear as large, raised bumps that look like cauliflower to small spots like pimples. They can range in color from pink, grey, red, or even flesh tone.

Who’s at Risk?

Like we said before, genital warts are actually more common than you think. It’s just something we don’t go around talking about with people. They affect millions of people around the world each year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 75 to 80 percent of sexually active men and women will become infected with HPV during their lifetime. Health experts say that about 15 percent of people in the U.S. are already infected and over 50 percent of girls will get HPV within two years of starting to have sex. While contracting HPV doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to have condyloma symptoms as we discussed here, there’s always a chance.

Anal Condyloma

Warts on or around the anus are medically referred to as anal condyloma. HPV causes condyloma, also called condylomata acuminata, which can transmit from person to person by direct skin contact and lead to painful or bleeding growths. Depending on the severity of the condition, therapy may consist just of topical drugs, or it may necessitate surgical intervention.

Candyloma during pregnancy

Candyloma is caused by the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted illness spread via skin contact. Because of the increased chance of touching other people’s skin during pregnancy, the body is particularly vulnerable. Unsafe sexual practices or sexual contact with an infected partner while pregnant may increase the risk of infection.

How is it disseminated?

It is unclear how individuals get genital herpes. Little quantities of fluid, termed viral shedding, are considered to be produced from sores on a person’s skin during a sexual act. The fluid then enters the body of another person through their mucous membranes and goes to their lymph nodes, where it multiplies and becomes toxic.

What Treatment is Available for Condyloma?


Treatment generally includes the use of a topical resin called podophyllin or bichloracetic acid. The application is easy and takes only a few minutes. If the infected area contains a large number of warts, they can also be surgically removed. Most patients can get relief from their condyloma symptoms in just one easy visit to the office. Some people require a followup visit to ensure treatment is working and you’re listening to the doctor’s recommendations.

Please don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to call your doctor to talk today.