Best Vitamins for Prostate Health

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The prostate gland is so small and well hidden in the body, that men often do not pay it any attention at all. Only when some problems arise, its importance becomes evident. Moreover, inflammation and enlargement of this gland are accompanied by numerous unpleasant symptoms that require proper treatment. In addition, this cancer is widespread and is a serious issue. That is why here we are going to discuss the best vitamins for prostate health. Not all of them are able to cure the gland completely. However, they can prevent many diseases and provide a high-quality life for men of any age.

Best Vitamins for Prostate Health

Different vitamins that help the prostate can be found in numerous supplements. Here we are going to give a brief description of the top 10 such ingredients.

Vitamin D

The body under the explosion of the sun naturally produces this vitamin. It is required for the following processes:

  • regulation of calcium and phosphates metabolism, their absorption and utilization by the skeletal and muscular systems;
  • the proper work of the immune system;
  • anti-inflammatory action.

Moreover, there were numerous investigations on the vitamin D and prostate cancer treatment. They all showed promising results. Therefore, this compound is nowadays considered one of the most powerful for prostate health.

Vitamin E

This compound we get from nuts, egg yolk and vegetable oils. It is essential for the normal functioning of the reproductive system of both men and women. In addition, it helps to prevent numerous cardiovascular diseases.

As for prostate health, there were large trials in humans that studied the influence of this vitamin and selenium on the gland. It appeared that it can suppress some cancer cell lines but the investigations are still in progress and more data is required to make a conclusion.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is useful in case of prostate enlargement especially if the aging process causes it. There is not enough evidence to establish the direct mechanism of its action. However, the compound tracks free radicals, participates in metabolism and may reduce early inflammation signs.

That is why many physicians recommend adding more citrus fruits and juices to the diet for men older than 45. Still, the necessary amount of the vitamin can be obtained from the supplements.

Vitamin B6

This compound is crucial for proper brainwork, immune system activity and also for the reproductive system of a man. Thus, it does the following:

  • participates in testosterone production and decreases estrogen levels;
  • make sperm more mobile and healthy;
  • reduces the risks of cancer development.

Scientists are studying it clinically to prove its efficiency in the case of different prostate-related issues. Still, it is often used in supplements and showed good results in the prevention of such problems.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

The data on this compound and prostate health are also controversial. For instance, its lack in the diet is associated with higher cancer risks. However, if too much is taken, this also leads to harmful consequences.

Therefore, more scientific investigations are required, especially on humans, to make a conclusion on its role.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These useful compounds positively influence many cancer types but do not have promising effects on prostate cancer. Still, they are needed for testosterone production and to improve the overall health of men and the work of the reproductive system. Thus, some small amounts can be added to a usual diet to promote their positive effects.


Selenium belongs to the group of essential trace minerals. It is involved in different biological processes such as regulation of enzyme activity, expression of genes and functioning of the immune system.

Several animal studies revealed the relationship between low selenium levels and the appearance of cancer. However, researches on humans showed controversial results and are still in progress.

Still, when the deficiency is observed, it is crucial to restore the amount of this mineral in the body and this can be done with the help of a dedicated supplement.


This element is considered essential for men’s health. It participated in the work of the reproductive system and the secretion of hormones. There is no direct evidence of its influence on the prostate gland. Still, its action contributes to an active sexual life that is also important for men’s health.


This macro element is required for the work of blood vessels, muscles, nerve transmission and the selection of some hormones. Thus, it’s a crucial player in the metabolic field and the prostate gland also needs it for normal functioning.

There is scientific evidence that both calcium lack and excess may cause different diseases. Thus, choose supplements with this ingredient only if you are sure that your body doesn’t have enough.


Plants, fruits and vegetables produce this natural pigment. It was tested in vitro and in animal studies for both prostate cancer prevention and treatment. The results were promising. In addition, this compound has no severe side effects and provides mild but effective action.

Understanding the Prostate Gland

This small organ belongs to the reproductive system of every man and plays an important role in it.

Anatomy and function

The size of the gland is often compared with a walnut. It is located between the bladder and the rectum. Its function is to produce the special fluid for the semen and push the latter outside.

Common prostate issues

Due to the aging process, some common processes may occur in this small gland and disturb its physiology and functioning.


This is the most common issue and appears in the case of inflammation. It may have bacterial or non-bacterial nature, be acute or chronic. In any case, swelling and enlargement occur. Thus, urination and sexual life become complicated.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

The aging process may also lead to the enlargement type that is not accompanied by inflammation. Still, the symptoms are very similar to prostatitis. However, the treatment must be different.

Prostate cancer

There are numerous cases of this disease worldwide. That is why all men older than 45 years old must check the prostate gland at least once per year. Due to the appearance of cancer cells, the gland also grows rapidly but it can be rejected in a few different ways.

Factors affecting prostate health

The most important warning signs include the following:

  • Aging process. Different physicians name different ages. Still, 45 is a frontier that should be taken into account. The earlier a man starts to check his prostate regularly, the fewer problems he will experience.
  • Family history. If there were first-line relatives with these diseases, then your chances also grow.
  • Diabetes and heart disease contribute to the occurrence of hyperplasia of the gland.
  • Lifestyle includes obesity, unhealthy diet, drinking alcohol and smoking. Bad habits contribute to all cancer types and this one is not an exception.

Therefore, there are cases when one cannot avoid problems with the prostate. However, there are still many ways to minimize them and cure them at the very begging. Vitamins and supplements contribute a lot to the prevention of these health issues.


Altogether, this small gland requires attention and care as well as the whole body does. Now you are aware of the best effective vitamins and minerals for prostate health that help to prevent different kinds of problems related to this organ.

Use this knowledge to select effective supplements and do not neglect regular visits to your healthcare provider. A fast annual examination is a good way to prevent chronic diseases and live healthy active life at any age.


What vitamins are good for the prostate?

For now, there is strong evince of vitamins D, C and E and their positive impact on different prostate issues. However, there are many investigations still in progress and other nutrients such as group B vitamins, microelements and lycopene will soon reveal their power.

What is the best vitamin to take for enlarged prostate?

For this purpose, vitamin C is good if there is no pronounced inflammation. Still, it’s worth remembering that vitamins only cannot shrink the prostate back. They are more helpful for the prevention of this disease than for its treatment.

What vitamin shrinks enlarged prostate?

Such effects are observed for vitamins C and D. However, this effect is not very significant so vitamins only cannot cure this condition.

What vitamins should men take for prostate health?

To maintain men’s health on the proper level one needs a set of group B vitamins as well as vitamins D, C and E, zinc, selenium and calcium, lycopene and omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, some complex supplements that provide these compounds in the necessary quantities are a good choice.

What are the best supplements for prostate health?

As there are numerous such products on the market, better to select those backed by science. They contain vitamins D, B, C and E, zinc, selenium and calcium.

Does vitamin D kills prostate cancer?

There is scientific evidence that this compound helps in the treatment. However, it doesn’t play a key role in the treatment and actually does more for the prevention of the disease.