Will Tribulus Actually Increase Your Testosterone?

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Nowadays, a lot of known dietary supplements are produced from plants that have been employed in medicine since ancient times. Tribulus Terrestris is regarded as one of the most popular botanicals. It is considered that Tribulus has many benefits for human health, in particular, decreased blood sugar and cholesterol, changing hormone levels, boosting sexual function and libido, and more. Some individuals wonder whether Tribulus Terrestris is effective for increasing testosterone levels. This article includes everything you should know about the plant starting from its definition to major advantages related to testosterone.

What is Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris, likewise known as puncturevine or caltrop, represents plant species and refers to the Zygophyllaceae family. Tribulus is a low-growing flowering plant that is common in some regions of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia.

The plant has been employed in traditional medicine systems for centuries, in particular, in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fruits, leaves, and roots of Tribulus Terrestris are usually applied for medicinal purposes.

Tribulus includes different active compounds such as flavonoids, glycosides, steroidal saponins, and alkaloids. It is considered that these compounds promote potential advantages to human health connected with Tribulus Terrestris.

Dietary supplements

Tribulus Terrestris has obtained popularity as a dietary supplement in recent years. It is especially common among athletes and bodybuilders. Tribulus is usually marketed as a natural testosterone booster, claiming to increase muscle strength, stamina, and athletic results. Moreover, the plant is likewise promoted as a sexual enhancer, supposing it may enhance libido and sexual function.

As a rule, Tribulus Terrestris as a dietary supplement is available in the form of capsules, tablets, powders, or extracts. These supplements commonly include concentrated extracts of Tribulus Terrestris, which are obtained from fruits, leaves, or roots of the plant.

Traditional Medical Uses

Tribulus Terrestris has a long history of traditional medicinal uses in different systems of medicine such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are a few traditional applications of Tribulus Terrestris. For instance, Tribulus Terrestris has been widely used to enhance sexual function. The plant has been traditionally employed as an aphrodisiac and to treat sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

Also, Tribulus Terrestris has been utilized in traditional medicine to support fertility and treat reproductive disorders. Finally, Tribulus Terrestris has been employed to support urinary system health and treat various conditions, in particular, tract infections, kidney stones, and bladder problems.

Tribulus and Testosterone

The interconnection between Tribulus Terrestris and testosterone levels is a subject of interest and constant research. Nevertheless, the current scientific comprehension regarding the effects of Tribulus Terrestris on testosterone is limited. Let’s have a look at an overview of the existing research.

For instance, some animal studies have shown that Tribulus Terrestris may raise testosterone levels. These studies have demonstrated an increase in testosterone production and enhanced sexual function in animal subjects. Human studies, researching the effects of Tribulus Terrestris on testosterone levels have provided mixed results.

There is a need to mention that testosterone is a complicated hormone regulated by different factors. Testosterone levels may be influenced by a variety of factors, in particular, human age, health status, and lifestyle. Although Tribulus Terrestris has been marketed as a natural testosterone booster, the scientific data confirming this statement is limited and inconsistent today.

Benefits Related to Testosterone

Although the scientific data on the effects of Tribulus Terrestris on testosterone levels are mixed, there are a few potential advantages that have been offered with respect to testosterone. It is crucial to highlight that individual responses may vary. Also, further studies are required to establish these effects finally.

Some potential advantages connected with testosterone that have been related to Tribulus Terrestris are as follows: increased libido and sexual function, cardiovascular benefits, enhanced mood, and improved mental health.

Note that it is always advised to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified medical practitioner before you start to take any new dietary supplements or medications. These experts will grant personalized recommendations based on your concrete health condition and requirements.

Does Tribulus Increase Testosterone?

The effects of Tribulus Terrestris on testosterone levels have been the topic of discussion and scientific research for a long time. Nowadays, the evidence of studies is mixed. While some pieces of research and separate reports suppose that Tribulus Terrestris may raise testosterone levels, others don’t find significant effects.

If you plan to take Tribulus Terrestris specifically for its potential effects on testosterone levels, it is recommended to contact a doctor or healthcare professional. By this, you will obtain personalized advice based on your concrete health needs and circumstances. Also, these experts will assist you in making informed decisions and monitoring your hormonal levels.

Benefits of Tribulus Terrestris

Despite limited scientific data that would support its effectiveness, Tribulus Terrestris has been connected with a few potential advantages. There is a need to remind that individual responses may vary and extra studies are necessary to determine these effects conclusively.
Some of the supposed advantages of Tribulus Terrestris are enhancing athletic performance, providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, supporting urinary tract health, and many others.

Tribulus Terrestris has received consideration among athletes and bodybuilders because of claims of potential performance-enhancing effects. Also, Tribulus Terrestris includes different bioactive compounds that possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties, in turn, may promote its potential health benefits, in particular, defending against oxidative stress and reducing inflammation. Finally, Tribulus Terrestris has been employed traditionally to treat conditions such as urinary tract infections and support urinary tract health.

Libido and Sexual Function

Tribulus Terrestris has been traditionally employed to support libido and sexual function. Moreover, Tribulus is commonly marketed as a natural aphrodisiac. Although the scientific data on its effects is limited and contradictory, some pieces of research suppose potential advantages.

Some pieces of research have reported that Tribulus Terrestris may have positive effects on libido or sexual desire. For instance, small research with the participation of women with low sexual desire showed that those who took Tribulus Terrestris started to see improvements in desire in comparison to the placebo group.


Tribulus Terrestris has been likewise suggested to have potential cardiovascular advantages. Some studies have shown that Tribulus Terrestris may have a modest blood pressure-lowering effect. It has been stated that some compounds in Tribulus Terrestris may contribute to blood vessel relaxation, potentially resulting in a decrease in blood pressure.

Also, Tribulus Terrestris has been studied for its potential effects on cholesterol levels. Some pieces of research have suggested that it may have a positive impact on lipid profiles by decreasing total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol.

In addition, Tribulus Terrestris includes bioactive compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties may have potential cardiovascular advantages by decreasing oxidative stress and inflammation, which may contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Mood and Mental Health

What’s more, Tribulus Terrestris has been suggested to have potential effects on mood and mental health. Tribulus Terrestris has been employed traditionally in some cultures to support general well-being and mood improvement. Some animal studies have shown that Tribulus Terrestris may have mood-enhancing effects. Tribulus Terrestris includes bioactive compounds that may have an impact on neurotransmitters and hormonal systems that take part in mood regulation.

Testosterone Facts

Testosterone is a hormone that refers to a class of hormones titled androgens. It is usually produced in the testicles in males and smaller amounts in the ovaries and adrenal glands in females. Testosterone is of decisive importance for the development and support of male sexual characteristics. Also, it performs significant functions in both males and females.

There is a need to mention that testosterone levels may decline naturally with age in both men and women. A considerable decrease in testosterone levels may result in a condition known as hypogonadism. This condition is observed in men and is characterized by a few symptoms, in particular, muscle weakness, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and fatigue. In these cases, hormone replacement therapy may be viewed under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Importance of Testosterone

Testosterone plays an important role in the body, affecting different physiological processes in both males and females. In particular, testosterone is crucial in the following areas such as sexual development and reproductive function, libido, sexual function, muscle and bone health, metabolism and body composition, mood and cognitive function, red blood cell production, etc.

Normal Testosterone Levels

The normal level of total testosterone may vary depending on certain factors, such as age, gender, and the particular lab reference range used. Normal levels of total testosterone range from 300 to 1000 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter) for adult men. Normal free testosterone levels in adult males range from 9 to 30 ng/dL.

The normal level of total testosterone in adult women ranges from 15 to 70 ng / dl. Normal free testosterone levels in adult women range from 0.3 to 1.9 ng/dL.

Effects of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone, likewise known as low T or testosterone deficiency may have different effects on both physical and mental well-being.
General effects that are connected with low testosterone levels are as follows: sexual symptoms (decrease in sexual desire (libido) and changes in sexual function), fatigue and reduced energy levels, alterations in body composition (weight gain and changed physical appearance), decreased motivation and changes in overall well-being, mood changes and cognitive effects (mood swings, irritability, and feelings of sadness or depression, difficulties with concentrating, memory issues), decreased bone density.


Tribulus Terrestris is a small leafy plant that has been utilized in medicine for many years. Although it may boast a long list of potential advantages to health, many have been studied in animals only. If you consider starting to take Tribulus to increase testosterone, you should consult your healthcare provider first and take into account all the potential benefits and risks of this plant.


Does Tribulus decrease testosterone?

The effect of Tribulus Terrestris on testosterone levels is a topic of debate and scientific studies today. While some studies suggest that Tribulus may potentially increase testosterone levels, other pieces of research have found no significant impact.

What does Tribulus do for a man?

Tribulus Terrestris has been traditionally utilized as an herbal supplement for different purposes in men. For instance, Tribulus may be potentially useful for sexual health and libido, testosterone support, physical performance and muscle strength, mood, and well-being.

What are the side effects of Tribulus Terrestris testosterone?

As a rule, Tribulus Terrestris is regarded secure when consumed in appropriate doses and for short durations. Still, being a supplement and herbal product, it may potentially cause certain side effects in humans, in particular, gastrointestinal issues, allergic reactions, hormonal effects, and sleep disturbances.

Which is better Ashwagandha or Tribulus?

Both Ashwagandha and Tribulus Terrestris have been traditionally employed for different purposes and may provide individuals with various benefits.