Does Garlic Improves Testosterone Levels?

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Maintaining proper testosterone levels was always particularly significant for AMAB people. As men age, their testosterone production decreases. Statistics say, for a hundred young males, only one would have TD. In a hundred of 80-years old men, there would be half of them. Other factors, such as certain health conditions and unhealthy mode of life, only promote TD development.

Luckily, we have the means to rebalance our T levels. Not just with the help of hormone replacement therapy but by changing our lifestyle. A diet enriched with specific nutrients is one of the important aspects of a healthy and holistic way of living. Its only drawback is the necessity to choose every product very carefully but we are here to help you, armed with scientific knowledge straight from PubMed and Google Scholar.

Humanity used garlic for ages, both for its distinctive flavor and medicinal properties. What does garlic do for testosterone? We are about to find out.

Garlic Overview

Garlic belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. Its botanical name is Allium sativum. The plant was widely used by all the major ancient civilizations from Africa to Asia. Chinese, Japanese, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans—all of them enjoyed the benefits of this bulbous plant. Hippocrates, most known by his oath, prescribed garlic for a lot of health conditions. The plant was mentioned by Pliny, in his “Natural History”, along with the list of health issues that supposedly could be cured with its help. And by Galen, garlic was labeled as “rustic’s theriac”, or cure-all.

Later on, it was mentioned in relation to its healing activities by Thomas Sydenham and William Cullen, well-known physicians of their time.

Active Compounds

The most active phytochemicals contained in garlic is a group of organosulphur compounds:

  • Allicin (it creates the signature aroma of the plant);
  • Diallyl polysulfides;
  • Alliin (which turns into allicin when the garlic clove is crushed or cut);
  • S-allyl cysteine.

Its organic constituents are saponins, flavonoids, and enzymes. Additionally, one medium-sized clove of garlic provides:

  • 60 mg of fiber;
  • 2% of vitamin B6 daily value (DV);
  • 2% of manganese (DV);
  • 1% of selenium (DV);
  • 1% of vitamin C (DV);

Garlic Health Benefits

Before we get to the connection between garlic and testosterone, let us briefly review its other health-beneficial properties. After all, the following abilities made garlic a welcome addition to any diet and gave humanity an idea of garlic supplementation in the first place.

Boosts Immune System

For those who are prone to cold, eating more garlic could be the solution. A 2001 study monitored two groups: one that took a placebo and another that was given a garlic supplement. In the garlic group, the number of colds was reduced by 63%, and the longevity of symptoms decreased to 1.5 days while the placebo group had them on average for 5 days.

Another study discovered that supplementation with aged garlic extract in high doses lessened sick days caused by flu or cold by 61%.

To narrow studies is not enough to make final conclusions, but the connection is very likely.

Supports Cardiovascular Health

In human trials, 6 months of garlic supplementation were just effective for hypertension management as a beta blocker Atenolol. Moreover, garlic has been proven to improve blood cholesterol reducing levels of total cholesterol and LDL (“bad” cholesterol) specifically.

Rich in Antioxidants

Flavonoids and enzymes contained in garlic provide a powerful antioxidant effect. This means that they can protect the cells of our organs and tissues from free radicals. This reduces the rate of tissue aging, decreases oxidative stress, and prevents cell mutations and malignant processes.

Helps Control Blood Sugar

There are almost a dozen studies researching the connection between garlic and blood sugar. In trials, garlic supplementation could significantly reduce glucose levels in just 1–2 weeks.

Weight management

Garlic can boost your metabolism and energy levels, making your body burn those calories faster and more efficiently. As a bonus, garlic aroma and distinctive hot taste make food more delicious so the person can savor every bite and feel sated faster. This prevents overeating and helps to stay within beneficial calorie intake.

Garlic Health Benefits Overview
Boosts Immune SystemReduces the number of colds by 63% and lessens duration of symptoms.
Supports Cardiovascular HealthEffective for hypertension management and improves cholesterol levels.
Rich in AntioxidantsProtects cells from free radicals, reducing tissue aging and oxidative stress.
Helps Control Blood SugarReduces glucose levels significantly in just 1–2 weeks.
Weight ManagementBoosts metabolism, enhances food taste, and prevents overeating.

Garlic and Testosterone Connection

Garlic’s effect on testosterone is well-studied in comparison to other foods that are known as natural T-boosters. However, all the available data is still considered preliminary. The first reason is that some of those studies are conducted on mice and we do have not exact body functions, chemistry, and physiology.

While there is a lot of useful information to be considered, let us not forget that further research on garlic as a testosterone booster is highly desirable. As of now, garlic may be a valuable addition to your plan for increasing testosterone synthesis but not the single solution.

Now, to trials. First to mention would be a study on rats fed a high-protein diet. After four weeks of supplementation with garlic powder, the animals demonstrated an elevated level of testicular testosterone and a reduced concentration of plasma corticosterone. In rodents, corticosterone is the same that is cortisol to us—a stress hormone that triggers fat buildup, increased blood sugar, and slows down testosterone production.

Another study on animal models focused specifically on S-allyl Cysteine (SAC). In a single-dose experiment, SAC increased both plasma and testicular T without changing the levels of the luteinizing hormone.

In the third study with 20 male mice, the rodents were given garlic extract which caused an increase in serum testosterone and improved cellular integrity in the testicles.

A systematic review combining 18 experimental studies was published in the Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology in 2018. It concluded that garlic supplementation has the potential for improving fertility and spermatogenesis, elevating levels of testosterone, and restoring the testicular structure.

How to Use Garlic to Increase Testosterone

If you want to use garlic to raise testosterone, you may simply include it in your dietary plan. 2–3 cloves daily would be sufficient to provide the necessary nutrients and not overload you with taste. We recommend using it raw to preserve all the valuable components as they are: thermal processing may alter the chemical composition of garlic and reduce its effect.

If you dislike the taste, you may opt for garlic supplementation. In that case, just follow the manufacturer’s recommendations as every product has its specific dosage and administration. Be sure that you buy a product manufactured by the FDA and a GMP-certified facility by a trusted brand, and is tested by a third-party laboratory for quality.

As always, we recommend you consult a healthcare specialist before starting a new supplement. If any side reaction occurs, stop taking the product and contact medical professionals for help.

Is Garlic Good for Testosterone?

While the suggestion that garlic boosts testosterone is most plausible, we advise you to not rely solely on it. Firstly, the existing evidence is not sufficient to calculate the precise effect, and we are all individuals. This means that some people will likely benefit from garlic supplementation less than others. Secondly, the combination of several methods will provide a synergetic effect that will make your hard work much more effective.

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels

We cannot stress enough that a healthy lifestyle is a flawless method of testosterone-boosting. It is failproof, safe, and gives you a lot of other health benefits. This section is focused on three pillars of a wholesome way of living: sports, good nutrition, and proper rest.

Regular Exercise and Lifting Weights

Physical activity, especially exercises focused on muscle-building, such as weight-lifting, is a proven T-booster. As a bonus, you get better cardiac health, reduced stress levels, improved sexual functions, shed weight, strengthen your immune system, and build muscle corset. It is a win-win-WIN situation.

Balanced Diet

This whole article is dedicated to one of the products that are considered beneficial for T production. Besides garlic, there are many other foods packed with valuable nutrients and the suggested or proven ability to increase testosterone levels. Some of them:

  • Pomegranates;
  • Green vegetables;
  • Sea food;
  • Olive oil;
  • Lemons;
  • Bananas;
  • Ginger;
  • Honey.

Remember about maintaining the balance of macronutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins, amino acids, minerals) to ensure that your body gets everything it needs for proper functioning.

Sleep and Stress Management

Remember the harmful effect of cortisol, the dreaded stress hormone, on testosterone synthesis? Besides stress, insomnia and lack of sleep are huge factors that increase cortisol concentration. Ensure that you get 8–9 hours of quality night rest daily and manage your stress levels through sports, therapy, meditation, yoga, or any other method of your preference.


Keeping proper testosterone levels is essential for male health and well-being. A proper diet with the incorporation of certain foods is one of the natural methods for boosting T synthesis.

Garlic is an edible plant used and consumed by people since ancient times. It is well-known for its signature aroma and medicinal properties. While studies on the garlic-testosterone connection are yet scarce and focus primarily on rodents, preliminary data suggests that garlic supplementation may prove particularly advantageous for AMAB persons and their goal to raise testosterone.


Does Garlic Increase Testosterone?

Yes, systematic reviews and clinical trials speak in favor of this theory. Garlic contains many active compounds and beneficial nutrients valuable for health in general and hormone production specifically.

How much garlic to eat to raise testosterone?

A couple of raw cloves daily should be quite sufficient to satisfy the need for nutrients. If the person prefers supplements, it is necessary to follow the instructions on the label.

What does garlic do for a man?

In addition to other health benefits (cardiac health, antioxidant effect, immune strength, etc.) it is suggested that garlic can boost T levels in men.

Does garlic and ginger increase testosterone?

Yes, they are considered T-boosting products recommended for incorporation into a dietary plan for men.