Do Bananas Increase Your Testosterone?

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There are a lot of holistic and natural methods to boost testosterone, and a thoughtful, nutritious diet is one of them. However, health improvement through nutrition requires meticulous planning, deep research, and patience, as smooth and gentle changes do not happen overnight. Any mistakes in such cases can prove quite costly and disappointing.

Bananas are considered a perfect snack for a lot of reasons:

  • a natural casing, so carrying them in a bag is not a problem;
  • a long-lasting sense of satiety, so you will not feel hungry again in five minutes;
  • high content of valuable nutrients: for once, snacking can be healthy;
  • delicious taste;

Those on a journey to increase their testosterone levels can rightfully ask: are bananas testosterone killers or a completely opposite thing? Let us find out together!

The Definition of Testosterone

Why there is so much fuss about bananas and testosterone anyway? What is it about T that makes it so precious to men? Well, it is considered the main steroid hormone in AMAB persons. This androgen, produced in the testes, plays a crucial part in the well-being of a man.

Roles of Testosterone

T determines how male secondary sexual characteristics develop during puberty. In adults, it is necessary for proper metabolism of fats, muscle growth, sufficient stamina and resilience, good mood, and sexual functions, including sperm production, sex drive, and erection. The hormone is also connected to the density of bones and the growth of erythrocytes in the bone marrow.

Impacts of Low Testosterone Levels

Testosterone levels in the living organism are not consistent. Its synthesis can decline due to health conditions affecting the endocrine and reproductive systems. It could be direct factors, such as trauma to the brain or testes, or indirect chronic issues, like diabetes or obesity. When testosterone synthesis becomes insufficient for the body’s needs, medicine calls the occurrence testosterone deficiency (TD), or hypogonadism.

Moreover, TD can be caused by something as imminent as aging. About 1% of younger men suffer from hypogonadism, and by the age of 80, about half do.

TD can manifest by the impact on:

  • intimate life and fertility: poor libido, reduced sperm count, and erectile dysfunction;
  • mental health: poor concentration, mood swings with a depressive vector;
  • metabolism: it becomes harder to lose weight and burn fat, muscle mass decreases;
  • appearance, self-esteem, and well-being: reduced testicular volume, armpit and pubic hair loss; low stamina and fast fatigue; hot flashes.

Bananas and Testosterone

When trying to figure out if bananas increase testosterone, we turn to evidence-based science, as always. Alas, there is no readily available data regarding the direct effect of fruit consumption on T concentration. The good news is that we can assess the studies of various compounds found in these delicious yellow fruits.

One of them is bromelain—a proteolytic enzyme which means it breaks down proteins. Besides bananas, it is contained in pineapples. In studies, bromelain decreased testicular oxidative stress, boosted sperm count, and elevated T levels in BPA-induced mice. And a trial with 15 professionally-trained cyclists showed that bromelain helped in maintaining T concentration post-training, recovery from muscle damage, and fatigue reduction. These beneficial properties are associated with the enzyme’s anti-inflammatory activity.

Magnesium is another micronutrient studied in relation to T. In clinical trials, it was discovered that magnesium supplementation was able to stimulate testosterone production in male volunteers regardless of the patient’s physical load and amount of exercise. In other words, sedentary participants also managed to boost testosterone levels by taking a mineral supplement.

Do Bananas Increase Testosterone?

Summarizing the scientific data, we are confident to claim that bananas are good for testosterone. Of course, the fruits cannot be a single weapon in one’s battle with TD, it is definitely worth it to include 2–3 bananas in your daily menu.

Bananas and Nutrition

Bananas were considered a great example of healthy food because of their exceptional nutritional value. While one medium-sized banana does not overload your calorie intake (it only provides about 122 calories), it grants you:

  • Fiber — about 3.3 g which is good 10% of the recommended daily intake for men;
  • Vitamin C — 11 mg;
  • Vitamins of the B group (B6, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, folate) — about 27 mg;
  • Carotenes — 32 mg;
  • Potassium — 451 mg;
  • Phosphorus — 27.7 mg;
  • Magnesium — 34 mg;
  • Lutein + zeaxanthin — 27.7 mg.

These amounts cover 5% to 12% of the estimated daily value — FDA-recommended daily intake. Not to mention other valuable nutrients that you can get from eating bananas, though in lesser dosages, such as retinol, zinc, choline, or selenium.

Testosterone Production

Indirect advantages provided by bananas for testosterone levels are possible as well. If we take magnesium again, the mineral is known to help our nervous systems to withstand stress which regulates our blood concentration of cortisol, a nightmare to T output.

Another noteworthy impact is that of vitamin B6. It is highly significant for the proper condition of our heart and blood vessels which, in turn, means good blood flow and oxygen supply for the testes. Moreover, its deficiency is linked to depression—a hard-to-battle consequence of low testosterone.

Not to forget vitamin C—an efficient antioxidant that, in combination with bromelain, protects tissues from free radicals, inhibiting their aging, mutations, and inflammatory processes.

We know that fiber is good for gut health. A healthy microbiome provides better absorption of nutrients, making your diet even more effective. On top of that, fiber helps to regulate blood sugar that, if too high, belongs to the list of factors associated with TD development.

Bananas Health Benefits

So do bananas boost testosterone? Yes, they do, but they also do so much more! Let us summarize other advantages you can get:

  • Better eyesight from the combination of retinol, carotenes, and lutein + zeaxanthin;
  • Improved cardiovascular health thanks to B vitamins, K, and Mg;
  • Improved digestion thanks to bromelain and fiber;
  • Control of blood sugar and electrolyte balance;
  • Prevention of muscle contractions;
  • Strong antioxidative effect;
  • Support for weight management.

Lifestyle Factors in Testosterone Levels

A wholesome diet is neither the last nor the least thing you can benefit from when trying to jump-start testosterone synthesis. Remember these other pillars of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Physical activity. T gives you better stamina to exercise. Working out gives you more T! Sports makes wonders for well-being, and better hormone balance is merely one of many benefits it provides.
  • Good sleep and stress management. Lack of rest and an abundance of stress will make your cortisol levels skyrocket. This will antagonize the synthesis of testosterone, trigger fat accumulation, and lead to spikes in blood sugar.
  • Ditching bad habits. Junk food, tobacco, and alcohol can zero your good efforts. Do not let your hard work go to waste and quit^ you will save both your money and your health.


A healthy and well-planned diet can become a game-changer for AMAB patients struggling with hypogonadism. Combined with other wholesome practices, including exercising and stress management, a person can slow down their age-related T decline and significantly raise levels of total and free T in the organism.

Bananas contain a lot of valuable components that promote overall person’s well-being and T synthesis in particular.


How many bananas should you eat to increase testosterone?

Having 2–3 fruits daily will guarantee a sufficient provision of important nutrients.

Which foods increase testosterone the most?

Green vegetables, seafood, raw onion and garlic, ginger and honey are known to be beneficial for T levels.

Are there any other fruits that increase testosterone?

Red berries, pomegranates, and lemons.

Do bananas kill testosterone?

No, they provide a completely opposite effect because of their nutritional composition.