Does Ashwagandha Raise Testosterone Levels

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Modern medicine is always looking for new powerful remedies and often pays attention to those used by traditional medicine for centuries. Thus, there are numerous useful plants with different physiological effects that are now under study. One of them is called Ashwagandha and is known as an Indian cure-all.

It has been already proven that this plant has a wide variety of positive effects on the body, including boosting the hormonal system. Let us discover more about Ashwagandha and testosterone levels, and what science says about their relationships.

How Ashwagandha may increase testosterone levels

This evergreen shrub is also called Withania somnifera and grows in the Middle East, India and Africa. Locals call it Indian ginseng or winter cherry and Ayurvedic medicine utilizes it for numerous different health issues.

During the last ten years, scientists have been leading some investigations and obtained promising results in different areas. For instance, the following researches were conducted to investigate the influence of the plant on the hormonal system of men:

  • The first study was conducted in 2010 for men with infertility. It was shown that after a regular intake of this plant extract, the concentration of all important male hormones has increased.
  • The next research was organized in 2015 and evaluated the influence of the plant on testosterone levels and muscular performance of a group of men aged from 18 to 50. Compared to the control group, those men who take the extract have better results in the gym together with lowering body fat and a significant increase in testosterone levels.
  • One more study was made in 2019. In it, men regularly take the extract for 16 weeks. The increase in testosterone concentration compared to the placebo group reached 15%.

These results are more than promising. For now, there is no scientific answer to how exactly the plant acts in the body. Scientists are exploring its chemical composition to explain the observed effects. However, they have proven the efficiency that was well-known in traditional Indian medicine. Therefore, Ashwagandha-contained supplements are worth trying.

How to Take Ashwagandha for Boosting Testosterone

Before purchasing or starting intake of the extract, it is important to learn more about it and consult a healthcare provider. If you regularly take any other medicines or have some health issues, do not neglect such consultation to avoid possible interactions and side effects.

Different forms

This plant can be found mainly in capsules and powders. There are also some liquid dosage forms but they are quite rare on the market. In addition, the plant can be a part of more rich composition. Anyway, you should pay attention to its quantity in the chosen product.

As for the efficiency, it does not depend on the form. Therefore, you can select the one that is the most suitable and convenient for you.


The average dose of Ashwagandha is 500 mg per day. In this amount, it should be taken for weeks before the effect becomes visible.

The investigation that studied the influence of the plant on muscular performance, suggested taking 300 mg twice per day. Thus, it is recommended to follow the response of your body and adjust the individual dose together with a healthcare provider.

Possible side effects

Ashwagandha is considered a safe remedy without any severe side effects. Still, it is important to remember the following:

  • there can be cases of allergy and individual intolerance;
  • sometimes patients report stomach disorders, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • there is minor evidence of liver issues after taking the extract;
  • the plant may cause immune disorders.

In addition, if you have any health issues or regularly take some medicines, consult your physician on the possibility of such a combination.

What is Testosterone

This compound is the main male hormone and is responsible for the feeling of manhood, physical strength and sexual drive. Women also have some small quantities of it for the hormonal balance but for men it is crucial.

Role of testosterone

First and foremost, testosterone provides sexual differentiation and influences the development of the male reproductive system both from inside and outside. After the end of the puberty period, it still plays a key role in the following process in the men’s bodies:

  • libido regulation;
  • increase of muscular and bone mass and strength;
  • sperm production;
  • quantity of red blood cells.

The most direct connection is observed between testosterone concentration and sex drive. While men are in their 20s, it is at the peak and thus there are no issues in sexual life. Then, the level starts to drop slowly and life changes.

Low testosterone levels

The aging process is accompanied by a slight but persistent decrease in testosterone levels. Due to this process, a man felt:

  • less active and more fatigued;
  • the loss of strong sexual desire and feelings;
  • less strength in muscles and worse performance in the gym;
  • mood swings and depression.

Altogether, life becomes dull in all dimensions and this definitely worsens its overall quality.


To diagnose this condition and find the proper treatment, it is important to visit a healthcare provider. He will prescribe a blood test that will reveal the state of the hormonal system. Not only do testosterone levels matter. There are other hormones and the whole system should be balanced.

Only after diagnosis, one can proceed with treatment and choosing supplements. That is because other diseases have symptoms similar to hormonal imbalance. Thus, you must be sure what is your case to correct it properly.

What is Ashwagandha

This plant is one of the most famous remedies in Ayurvedic medicine. There, it was successfully utilized for centuries, to treat almost all health disorders. No wonder, it is called a cure-all that is also the cause of skepticism among scientists.

Thus, you can find data that this plant is good for both depression and hair loss, low testosterone levels and problems with body weight. However, nowadays scientists have made a few investigations and, for instance, the influence on the hormonal system is proven to be a reality.

For now, we have data that Ashwagandha increases the concentration of this male hormone by at least 15%. Furthermore, there will be other investigations of this promising plant and we will know the exact mechanisms of action, as well as the details on the composition, active ingredients and more.

Benefits of Ashwagandha

It is worth noticing, that while taking this plant to improve the hormonal misbalance, one can also experience additional pleasant effects. It is not a secret that Ashwagandha influences the whole body, providing other positive consequences. Moreover, all these effects are mild and are not related to any stress to the body or bad side effects.

Stress and anxiety reduction

This plant belongs to the group of adaptogens. It helps to reduce the stress in a physiological way, namely, it decreases the cortisol levels in the body. The latter is released in response to stressful situations. Its aim is to activate the body and make us fight or fight danger.
However, this mechanism was good for survival in ancient times. Nowadays, when our problems and stress are more psychological, the increased cortisol levels do not help us to overcome the problem. Instead, in the long run, they become the cause of different diseases, especially of the cardiovascular system.

Ashwagandha helps to eliminate this problem and reduces the feeling of stress and anxiety. This improves the quality of life and is beneficial for overall health.

Enhanced cognitive function

When we are calm and experience less stress, it gives our brain a perfect chance to work normally and more clearly. In addition, this plant itself activates the brain work, helps to avoid mood swings and stays in a clear and calm state through your days.

There is not much scientific evidence on the mechanisms that are behind this action. However, it is observed during all the investigations that study other dimensions of Ashwagandha. Thus, while taking this supplement regularly, one can also observe this effect and greatly benefit from it.

Immune system support

At last, this unusual plant boosts the immune system and helps the body to respond to the attacks of microorganisms and viruses properly. Moreover, the traditional medicine states that it can be helpful and used for the cure of cancer.

For now, these effects are under investigation. In any case, we can claim that due to the lowering of stress, the immune system will definitely become stronger. That is because the link between chronic stress and numerous diseases and health issues is well-known and established by the scientific community.


In a nutshell, Ashwagandha represents a rare case when the notions of traditional medicine are backed by science. Several investigations have proven that the extract of this plant helps to raise testosterone levels and has an additional powerful effect on the muscular system. Therefore, this remedy provides real help for men who struggle with the aging process and drop in testosterone concentration.

In addition, it acts smoothly and does not have contractions or severe side effects. It will take time to observe the effect but it will come mildly and naturally without harmful consequences for the body.


Does ashwagandha increase testosterone?

Yes, there is scientific evidence that this extract raises it for at least 15% after a period of regular intake. Moreover, it influences other components of the male hormonal system, as well as the muscular system.

How much ashwagandha is good for testosterone?

The average daily dose is 500 mg. In this amount, the extract should be regularly taken for at least 3 months to observe the visible effect.

How long does it take for ashwagandha to increase testosterone?

Most of the research was conducted for at least 16 weeks. Therefore, the plant does not give an immediate effect. Still, there are no limitations for the possible period of its utilization.

Is ashwagandha better than testosterone booster?

This plant is better in terms of safety. It does not give an instant boost to the hormonal system. However, it acts mildly and does not have any severe side effects.

Is ashwagandha safe for long-term use?

Yes, all the scientific investigations were done for several months and no side effects were observed during these periods.