Testosterone vs Estrogen

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What does it mean to be a real man or woman? There are numerous possible answers to this question. However, if considering biology, everything goes about hormones. Both men and women have testosterone and estrogen in their bodies, but their quantities differ significantly.

Let’s discover more about this issue. What do these hormones do, how do they shape our bodies and what will happen in case of their lack or excess? All these aspects are not as sophisticated as they may seem at first glance!

What are Hormones

Our bodies produce over 50 compounds that we call hormones. They are created in special glands and partly in the brain to regulate different organs and systems.

Thus, we have so-called sex hormones that rule the development of the productive system as well as our deepest desires related to sexual life. The list of these compounds is the same for both sexes, but their quantities differ significantly.The two main representatives are testosterone and estrogen, so their impact is the most obvious and crucial.

Comparing Testosterone and Estrogen

The representatives of both sexes have testosterone and estrogen in their bodies. Moreover, these compounds are quite similar but possess different activities.


First and foremost, these two molecules are of a steroid nature. This means they have the same basic structure and chemically differ only slightly.In addition, they both regulate the reproductive system and influence our libido.


As for the main differences, they are as follows:

  • Testosterone is the main male hormone. Its concentration in men’s bodies is approximately 8 times higher than in women’s. Itis produced in the testes and adrenal glands.
  • For women, estrogen is a crucial hormone. Their ovaries produce it together with a small amount of testosterone.

Importance of Hormonal Balance

When we talk about hormonal balance, we mean the ratio of testosterone and estrogen in the body. These two molecules should be present in normal quantities to prevent the occurrence of different diseases and health issues.

That is why, while visiting your physician, you can always ask for a blood test to check their concentrations and stay sure that the balance is not disturbed.

Hormonal Imbalance

When the quantity of one of the sex hormones rises or falls, we talk about hormonal imbalance. It manifests itself with different symptoms that can be just unpleasant or lead to severe diseases.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

The most common causes of this problem include:

  • Genetic diseases;
  • Injuries or tumors of glands;
  • Diabetes;
  • Unhealthy diet;
  • Obesity;
  • Chronic stress.

In addition, you should remember about the aging process that changes the ratio of sex hormones in a natural way. Actually, it decreases the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. This causes different unpleasant symptoms and even diseases.


The exact manifestation depends on the type of the misbalance. Usually, the patients suffer from different issues related to the reproductive system, like low libido and infertility. In addition, the body weight changes as well as the state of hair and skin. When all these become worse, this is the sign of lack of some hormone.

Furthermore, hormonal misbalance has an impact on mood and brainwork and influences behavior and lifestyle. For instance, sharp mood swings is a common sign.

Diagnosis and treatment

For the diagnostics, a blood test is required. Depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe other tests after it.

As for the treatment, it can be done via co-called replacement therapy. It utilizes synthetic hormones in case of their deficiency. However, their usage is related to many dangers and side effects. Therefore, nowadays natural supplements are more popular and common. Still, the treatment must be chosen by the specialist according to the state of the patient.


This compound is highly important for men as it is responsible for manhood and the proper development of their reproductive system. Women require only a little concentration.

Role of testosterone

The production of this compound starts already in the womb. It regulates the appearance of the penis and testes. The second rise in its concentration in males is observed during puberty and the highest concentration is observed for men in their 20s. After the age of 35, the aging process starts and the production of this hormone drops on average by 1% every year.

Puberty and sexual development

During puberty, the role of this molecule is as follows:

  • increasingthe amount of body hair;
  • voice changes;
  • the growth of Adam’s apple and further development of the penis and testes.

Teens grow and gain muscular weight also due to this hormone. Acne can also be a result of its action on the skin. At the same time, libido increases and sexual arousal becomes easy and obvious.

Muscle development

Bone density and muscular development largely depend on its levels. This is true for both sexes. Moreover, this is the reason for the utilization of steroids by athletes. The higher the concentration of this hormone, the easier muscles build up and their strength and stamina also increase.

Fat distribution

This hormone also influences the distribution of fat. Usually, it becomes obvious when its quantity falls and men start to observe stubborn belly fat that doesn’t want to disappear. When testosterone is present, this does not happen.

Mood and behavior

In addition, this molecule influences brainwork, activity and energy levels. Due to high testosterone, the person becomes bolder and faster in decision-making. Moreover, there is a correlation between this hormone and aggression. That is why young adults are often so active and prone to accidents.

Effects of low testosterone

Women rarely suffer from low testosterone and do not report any problems with it. However, for men the changes in its levels are crucial. For instance, due to the aging process and decreasing of its concentration, they:
• feel fatigued and depressed;

  • experience low libido and problems with erections;
  • lose muscle mass and get more fat;
  • report hot flashes and mood swings.

Effects of high testosterone

On the contrary, high concentration of it causes problems mainly for women, who experience the following consequences:

  • absent or irregular periods;
  • increase in body hair;
  • acne and other skin problems;
  • changes of voice;
  • increase in muscular mass.

As for men, such situations occur rarely and are not associated with severe problems.


Taking about the main female hormone, we should keep in mind that there are three forms of it in the body. They are called estradiol, estriol andestrone. All these molecules are produced in the ovaries. Fat tissue can also create it and that is what happens in men’s bodies. Thus, the more fat they gain, the higher can be estrogen level.

Role of estrogen

Each of the forms of this hormone has its own task, namely:

  • The main one is estradiol that controls a puberty period, and enhances the development of the reproductive system and cycles, as well as bone density. In addition, it promotes the release of the egg from the ovary, so it is crucial for pregnancy.
  • Estriolbecomes detectable mainly during pregnancy, as it is released by the placenta.
  • Estroneis detected after menopause and its role is not yet clear.

These three options can be detected in women. As for men, they have low concentrations of estradiol only.

Puberty and sexual development

Estrogen plays the same key role for future women as male hormones for future men. It activates the baby already in the womb and shapes the reproductive system and all its organs and glands.

Then, it takes its turn during puberty, when the girl experiences her first period, her breast is growing and the whole body changes to become more womanly. All these changes are required to make the body ready for future pregnancy.

Menstruation and pregnancy

Further on, women have regular periods during which the concentration of the hormones changes monthly. Thus, at the beginning of the cycle, the levels are the lowest, then they start to grow and reach the maximum in the middle of the period when the ovulation occurs. That is the right moment for pregnancy when the egg is released.

If the pregnancy did not occur, the estrogen levels start to drop and go to their minimum till the end of the period and menstruation.

Bone health

Female sex hormones are crucial for bone strength. That becomes obvious with the aging process. While the estrogen levels are lowering, the bones become highly fragile and thus elderly women are more prone to fractures.

Mood and behavior

As well as male hormomes in men, estrogen in women influences their mood and behavior. Generally, the higher the concentration of this hormone, the better is mood and the more optimistic and happy the woman feels. That is the reason why all women experience mood swings every month. They just follow their natural cycle of hormones.

Effects of low estrogen

Low estrogen is felt by women mostly and includes the following symptoms:

  • irregular period;
  • the absence of ovulation and infertility;
  • decreased libido and problems with sexual intercourse due to a drier vagina;
  • hot flashes;
  • weight gain, especially due to abdominal fat;
  • the fragility of bones;
  • mood swings.

Furthermore, the gained weight may lead to cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis and heart strokes, as well as second-type diabetes. Therefore, women should be very careful and follow the state of their hormonal system to prevent such problems.

Effects of high estrogen

The increased concentration of this hormone creates problems mainly for men, who experience:

  • problems with sperm production;
  • increased breasts;
  • erectile dysfunction.

Such hormonal misbalance may happen at any age and must be accurately diagnosed and treated.


These are the basic facts about testosterone and estrogen. As far as we can see these two molecules are crucial for our bodies, especially matters their ratio. Still, when it changes, modern medicine can bring the situation back to the norm. Therefore, do not neglect to visit the doctor in case of any disturbing symptoms, regularly check your hormonal balance and stay healthy.


What does estrogen and testosterone do?

Testosterone is crucial for manhood, while estrogen is required for women’s physiology. They influence the development of the reproductive system already in the womb and then shape the body during puberty.

What does estrogen do to a man?

Normal levels of this hormone contribute to men’s sexuality and libido. However, when the concentration is too high it may cause erectile dysfunction, increased breast tissue and problems with the production of sperm.

What does high testosterone do to a woman?

Large consternations of this hormone in women lead to irregular periods, acne, increased muscle mass, too much body and facial hair and a deepening of the voice.

Can you get hard on estrogen?

No. On the contrary, an increase in the concentration of this hormone in men leads to problems with erections and sperm production.