Does Maca Root Actually Improve Testosterone?

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Numerous plants boast to be the best testosterone boosters ever. Given all the side effects of synthetic hormones and the number of men who would like to resist the aging process, the popularity of such supplements cannot be overestimated.

However, when you look for something new, it is better to study the properties of the substance and find some scientific evidence of its activity. Unfortunately, the latter is not always present. One such controversial plant is Maca. Some say that it boosts the hormonal system, while others claim that no such effects were observed in trials. Let’s discover the truth together.

What is Maca Root

Maca Is also called Lepidium meyenii or Peruvian ginseng. This plant is related to Brussels sprouts and grows in the Andes. Inca people have been using it for centuries as a powerful aphrodisiac and adaptogen.

Actually from here starts the story of Maca utilization in modern medicine. All the plants that are well-known from ancient times become the subjects of high scientific interest because their activity is obvious and powerful.

However, there are not so many investigations related to this plant and, for now, they are a bit controversial. Thus, some scientists did not find any correlation between the intake of this plant and testosterone levels, while others revealed this effect but on mice only.
While researchers are still looking for possible answers to the mystery of Maca and conducting new investigations, we can learn the current data and try to understand how we can take some advantage of this plant.

What is Testosterone

This compound is the main male hormone that does everything to bring real manhood to life, namely:

  • It is produced already during pregnancy to provide the development of the reproductive system of a future man;
  • The second rise in its concentration is observed in puberty, when a boy is changing to the man grown;
  • It is responsible for the growth of muscles, voice changes, libido, fat distribution, etc.

Men experience the peak levels of this compound usually during their 20s. After the age of 35, the body starts to produce a lesser amount and drops it by approximately 1% every year. While this process occurs, men start to feel the first signs of the aging process that include fatigue, lower performance in the bedroom and gym, mood swings, hot flashes, etc.

Therefore, modern medicine recommended to follow testosterone levels and trying to prevent their decrease with synthetic hormones. However, their utilization often leads to severe side effects. Thus, different natural supplements have been introduced into practice and some of them contain Maca root as a powerful plant.

Maca Root and Testosterone

There is only scarce evidence of the real influence of this plant on male hormones and their production. Thus, one recent investigation has proven the increase in testosterone production in mice. However, there are no similar trials for men to sustain this fact.

Other studies that explored Macadidn’t find any correlation between its consumption and the level of hormones in males. However, the plant truly arose libido and helped men to perform better in the bedroom. At the same time, there were no obvious changes in athletic performance.
Moreover, it was found that Maca boosts sexual desire in women also and even helps them to overcome the symptoms of menopause. Still, there were no obvious changes in the concentrations of their hormones.

Therefore, we have a bunch of interesting findings related to this plant for now. Scientists cannot provide a clear explanation for these facts and they do not understand how exactly it influences the body. Thus, there will be more research in the future and nowadays we can benefit from that information that we have.

Maca Health Benefits

Like all the plants that have been used by our ancestors, Maca provides a set of health benefits that are undeniable and truly helpful. The following are the most prominent.

Testosterone Levels

As far as we are concerned this plant does not influence the level of men’s hormones directly. However, it has an established positive effect on sexual health, contributes to easier arousal and longer erections, and greatly helps men who experience some issues in their sexual life. Even those who take antidepressants and other similar medicines reported better performance after the intake of this plant.

Energy and Stamina

Another positive effect of this plant is concerned with energetic levels and everyday activity. Maca helps to cope with stress and reduces its harmful effects on the body. At the same time, it boosts the metabolic process and helps the body to produce more energy for daily needs.
This leads to a better mood and even better sleep. While you become more active during the day, the body becomes ready to rest at night. Altogether, this balances the natural rhythms and restores the proper energy levels.


There is also evidence that the utilization of this plant for several weeks and longer contributes to the better condition of the skin. It serves as a helpful tool to combat acne and other inflammations that may occur on the skin and provides it with pleasant natural color and healthy condition.

Rich in Nutrients

At last, this plant is full of useful compounds, for instance, it contains vitamins B and A, iodine, calcium, magnesium and iron. All these nutrients are required for normal metabolism and maintenance of health.

Therefore, the body will get them from the supplement and restore the deficiencies if they exist. This, in turn, may be the key to the secret of the efficiency of Maca. Its composition is a sophisticated combination of useful substances that boost and protect the body at the same time.

Maca Root Side Effects

As this plant was not thoroughly studied yet, we do not have enough scientific evidence on its probable side effects. Some customers report minor digestive issues or troubles with sleep during the first period of its intake.

However, there is no evidence of any severe side effects, even after a long period of intake. Thus, the plant is considered safe and is associated with health benefits only.

One issue that you should keep in mind is possible allergy and individual intolerance. If you are prone to such states, then be careful with Maca and follow closely your feelings during the first weeks of intake. If any unpleasant symptoms occur, stop the intake and consult with your healthcare provider. The same goes for people who need to take other medicines on a daily basis. Consult the physician on the possibility of such a combination.


The standard daily dose for this plant is from 1,500 to 3,000 mg. These doses were utilized in scientific investigations and did not bring any side effects for the participants.
Still, different supplements may contain other concentrations. Therefore, it is recommended to study the content attentively and look for the concentration that is required for you. It will be easier if you try to use the Maca only. In this case, you can select a suitable dosage form and stick to a daily dosage that is good for your body.

How to Take Maca Root

The way of intake largely depends on the form of the supplement. Thus, the modern market provides us with powders, liquids, extracts and pills. In addition, there are such varieties asred, black and yellow Maca. They can slightly differ in their properties, so you can also try different options and select the most suitable.

Furthermore, Macahas a good taste that is earthy and nutty. Some users report it to be similar to butterscotch or caramel. Thus, you can utilize it as a part of smoothies, lattes and other meals. This makes it more than easy to incorporate the plant into the usual diet and take it regularly.
One of the most popular ways is to mix the daily dosage of the powder with milk and drink it in the morning, or you can add it to any smoothie or other drink you like.


In a nutshell, Maca is still an enigmatic plant for us. Its positive health effects are undeniable but scientists require more evidence and investigations. We cannot explain how exactly this plant works and influences our bodies but we can benefit from its action. At least, men who would like to make their sexual performance better will be totally satisfied with Maca.

In addition, the plant does not bring any severe side effects and is more than easy to use. Thus, everyone can try this unusual supplement and make a conclusion about its profits.


How does maca affect male hormones?

There is only a shred of scarce evidence that this plant actually influences the hormonal system of males. Thus, one study revealed that it boosts testosterone in mice. However, we need human trials to prove this fact and find out the real correlation.

Why do bodybuilders take maca?

This plant may have some effect on the building up of muscles. Still, this is not the primary task of this plant and it does not bring very obvious results.

How is maca beneficial to men?

It greatly contributes to sexual health and improves overall performance in the bedroom. In addition, it serves as an energy booster, protects the body from stress, makes sleep better and strengthens the immune system.

What happens if I take macaeveryday?

After several weeks of regular intake, you will definitely experience longer and stronger erections, and more activity in everyday life. This plant successfully combats fatigue and lack of motivation that follow the aging process and low testosterone levels.