Does Vitamin D Really Boost Testosterone?

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Vitamins are crucial for our health in a different manner. For instance, vitamin D is related to the condition of bones and muscles, as well as to mood and even testosterone levels. In addition, the deficiency of this compound is very similar to the state of low testosterone. That is why there is a lot of discussion of the relation of these compounds and here we are going to unveil the truth.

What is Testosterone

This compound is the main male hormone that influences the state of the reproductive system, sexual life, muscles and overall manhood. The body produces it internally but many factors influence this process.

When testosterone levels are high, a man feels active, energetic and interested in women and life. On the contrary, when its concentration drops, the mood also lowers and life becomes dull and boring.

Causes of low testosterone

The main cause of hormonal changes is the aging process. On average, the body produces maximum testosterone in the 20s and then its concentration is gradually decreasing. This state is considered normal. However, we can still influence it and slow down the time.

Furthermore, when the body does not get enough building blocks for the production of hormones, its concentration may also drop. Therefore, a balanced diet with enough vitamins and other nutrients is more than important.

Testing and diagnosis

If you feel depressed or fatigued, or your results in the gym are not inspiring at all, then it is high time to check the presence of hormones. For this, one needs to visit a healthcare provider and do a blood test. Then, the specialist will evaluate the obtained numbers and diagnose the state and its reasons.

What is Vitamin D

Vitamin D belongs to fat-soluble vitamins. It can be found in plants in the D2 form and products of animal origin in the D3 form. Moreover, our bodies can also synthesize it under the influence of sunlight.
This compound takes part in:

  • formation of bones and muscles;
  • work of the hormonal system;
  • overall metabolism.

It influences mood and activity. That is why, for instance, low exposure to the sun may be the cause of depression and fatigue.

How Vitamin D May Impact Testosterone Levels

Now that we understand the basics of both vitamin D and testosterone, and their role in the body, it is time to see their connection and relations.

Vitamin D deficiency and low Testosterone

There is no direct evidence of the connection between vitamin D and testosterone levels. Different studies have been conducted but they gave some controversial results.

Still, the symptoms of the deficiency of these two compounds are very similar and they often appear together. Therefore, it is logical to improve the lack of this vitamin in the course of the hormonal system treatment.

Vitamin D Supplementation for Testosterone Levels

Numerous supplements contain vitamin D and promise to boost testosterone levels. First and foremost, they must be taken by those who experience a deficiency of the vitamin. When it happens, there is no way to get results in the gym and the overall activity and mood will be low.

Thus, due to the supplements, this situation will improve and then the testosterone levels will also subsequently rise. As we have already mentioned, we cannot state that vitamin D will help to raise the quantity of male hormones directly. However, both these compounds influence the body in a similar way. That is why there is logic in such products.

Caveats to consider

Before proceeding with the supplement, it is advisable to do the following:

  • Do the blood test and make sure that the vitamin D levels are low;
  • Check together with a healthcare provider about the possibility of other deficiencies and diseases;
  • Consider an overall lifestyle and, for example, add more exposure to the sun to stimulate the body from the inside;
  • Make suitable changes to the diet to create a proper balance of other nutrients.

If you have any other diseases or take medicines every day, also consult a physician on the possibility of their combination with supplements that contain vitamin D. In addition, the specialist should advise you on the dosage that is going to be suitable for your case.


All supplements should be taken carefully and one has to follow the recommended dosage. For instance, those men who have been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency should take no more than 6000 units of it daily. Regular checkups are required to monitor the levels and decrease the dose when needed.

Potential risks

There are certain risks of an overdose of vitamin D as it belongs to the fat-soluble group and can be retained by the body in quantities that exceed the norm. In case of an overdose, some toxic effects may follow, such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue. This can happen especially for supplements that contain its D3 form.

Therefore, the dosage should be chosen carefully and when the lack is restored it is important to change the supplement or its dosage to the maintenance level.

Natural Vitamin D

In addition, it is worth keeping in mind that there are many natural sources of this compound. Under exposure to the sun, the body will synthesize enough vitamin D on its own. Then, D2 form is contained in many plants, and D3 is present in products of animal origin, such as milk and dairy products, fish and eggs.

Usually, a balanced diet and regular walks in nature are enough to maintain the levels of this vitamin. Of course, if there is a lack, it is better to restore it with the help of a special supplement. However, certain lifestyle and diet changes are also recommended.


Altogether, the hormonal system is a highly sophisticated thing that requires a lot of attention. Due to the aging process and other reasons, testosterone levels may drop. However, there is always a chance to improve this situation. This can be done via certain lifestyle changes and together with special supplements.

For instance, vitamin D-containing products can be useful for those men who suffer from low testosterone. Still, this condition must be diagnosed and the treatment should be chosen with the help of a specialist.


Can vitamin D increase testosterone?

There is no direct scientific evidence of such influence. However, both these compounds work in a similar direction. In addition, their deficiency has similar symptoms. Thus, there is logic in utilizing such supplements to help men become more active.

How much vitamin D to increase testosterone?

The recommended daily dose in case of a vitamin D deficiency is 6000 units. When the level is restored, one can continue with a daily dose of 1000 or 2000 units to maintain the result.

What form of vitamin D is best for testosterone?

Vitamin D3 that can be found in products of animal origin seems to be more powerful and effective than D2. Still, they both are useful for overall vitamin D levels that should also stay normal.

Which vitamin boost testosterone?

Among fat-soluble vitamins, the most important for the reproductive system are vitamins D and E. Many vitamin D-containing supplements promise to increase the level of male hormones and help in it.