10 Best Ingredients for Testosterone Boosters

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The aging process slowly leads to drastic changes in the hormonal system and they are not pleasant. However, modern science is here to help us all to resist it and provides us with numerous helpful supplements. Still, you need to pick one out of them and the issue of choice may be more than challenging due to a variety of ingredients. For instance, what are the best components of testosterone boosters? To answer this question, let’s discover more details about this hormone, its role in the body and natural ways to increase its content.

What is Testosterone

In our bodies, we have a set of hormones that control different functions. To organize the proper work of the reproductive system, there are so-called sex hormones. The thing is, they are quite the same for men and women but differ in their concentrations.

Thus, testosterone is well-known as the main male hormone that is responsible for manhood. Still, women also should have some amount of it for the proper hormonal balance.

Role in the Body

Talking about the functions of this compound in the body, we should divide men and women because its influence is different.


Future men experience the impact of this compound already at the level fetus. The hormone starts to shape the body of a child and commands to create the basics for the building of the reproductive system.

Then, during puberty, boys feel various physiological changes as the concentration of testosterone rises, namely:

  • their libido wakes up;
  • the muscles start to build up;
  • the voice changes;
  • the facial hair appears.

In their 20s, young men are the most active in all areas of life and this is again due to this hormone. Its high levels may even provoke aggression. Therefore, this compound is really powerful and influences the body as a whole not only the sexual life.
Somewhere after 35 years, the body starts to decrease its concentration slowly. That is what we call the aging process.


As for women, they also benefit from the presence of testosterone in their bodies. It promotes activity, swift decision-making, clear thinking and single-mindedness.

However, when the levels are too high it may lead to skin problems and too much hair as well as aggression, mood swings, etc.

Impact of Low Testosterone Levels

As for low levels, men mostly suffer from them. Usually, they start to feel the difference due to the aging process that is accompanied by:

  • increased feeling of fatigue;
  • mood swings;
  • hot flashes;
  • deceased libido;
  • lower performance in the gym;
  • gaining fat, especially in the stomach area.

All in all, life becomes dull and uninteresting. The brainwork is not clear enough and overall activity drops to the minor levels.

How Testosterone Boosters Work

To overcome all these issues, modern science provides us with numerous tools. The first one was an introduction of synthetic hormones. The idea of external replacement seemed to be brilliant. However, these medicines appeared to have severe side effects. Due to danger to health, they are not recommended for everyone.

Still, we have an even better decision that is backed by both ancient and modern medicine. We are talking about special supplements that contain unique ingredients aimed at boosting testosterone. All of them are of natural origin and possess a mild action without side effects.

In addition, supplements usually go as mixes of different components. Therefore, after studying this issue in detail, you will be able to select the most suitable option and benefit from it.


There are numerous reasons for the popularity of these products, for example:

  • they are natural and not harmful to the body;
  • their consumption is not associated with severe side effects and has only a few contraindications;
  • the effect is mild, comes without stress and involves the body as a whole system;
  • the results are long-lasting and do not disappear after the stop of intake.

Moreover, it is easy to purchase and use them. The modern market provides various options so there are no problems in choosing the best suitable option for you.

10 Best Ingredients for Testosterone Boosters

Now, let’s discover those components that belong to the top list and can be found almost in every supplement. In many cases, they are combined or you can purchase them separately and create a unique combination by yourself.

D-Aspartic Acid

This amino acid is an important building block for the whole body and it is also required for the production of male hormones. Several scientific investigations have proven the fact that supplementation with it leads to an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone and growth hormone in the body. This, in turn, serves as a signal to produce more testosterone.

In addition, this small molecule helps to build up muscle mass and contributes to faster fat loss.

Vitamin D

This compound is a fat-soluble vitamin. It can be produced by the body on exposure to sunlight or obtained with food and supplements.
An active form of the vitamin acts similarly to sex hormones and is also important for the maintenance of testosterone levels. Scientific investigations have proven that sun exposure combined with the supplementation of the vitamin increases the concentration of male hormones in men.

Thus, in case of its deficiency, increase your sun exposure, eat more foods rich in this compound and add supplements.

Tribulus Terrestris

This plant is well-known for promoting muscular growth and sexual activity in men. Interestingly enough it is quite a new ingredient in boosting supplements, while traditional medicine has been profiting from its effects for a long time.

There is evidence that this plant improves heart health and helps to normalize blood sugar levels. It also has a positive impact on testosterone concentration. Still, the scientific studies are a bit controversial and we need more time to understand how exactly this extract works. For now, we are sure that it helps to combat erectile dysfunction.


This plant extract is considered one of the best activators of the hormonal system. The following pieces of research prove this fact:

  • Men who took 600 mg of extract every day for 12 weeks had an increase in testosterone levels and their sexual function was improved compared to the placebo group.
  • Similar results were obtained for the intake of 500 mg of plant per day for 12 weeks. The levels rose to 46%. In addition, mental alertness and mood became significantly better.
  • A big recent review concluded that extract is an efficient remedy for preventing the consequences of the aging process in men.
    Still, some scientists declare that we need more investigations related to this plant to understand its mechanism of action in detail.


Ginger is a well-known aphrodisiac that is more than popular in Chinese medicine. Many health benefits are known for it, including its anti-inflammatory effect and a perfect ability to lower cholesterol levels. A study on mice suggested that it boosts testosterone.

Actually, many animal studies prove this fact but a few conducted on humans. Thus, one research was published in 2012, in which the extract was given to men with fertility problems. After three months of regular intake, their testosterone levels increased by 17% and the luteinizing hormone was doubled.

Still, there is no evidence of a mechanism of action and some controversial studies revealed no effects at all. However, better sexual life due to ginger is a reality.


This essential mineral takes part in over 100 chemical processes inside the body. Moreover, some investigations link it to sexual health and testosterone levels. There is data that low zinc levels cause problems with fertility and libido.

Another review claimed that taking 220 mg of zinc twice per day for several months, increases sperm count and makes sexual life better. Moreover, similar results were obtained for women.

It’s worth noticing that the positive effects of this supplement are usually observed in people with deficiency. When there is no lack, larger concentrations make no difference.


This plant has long been utilized in Ayurvedic medicine as an adaptogen. Thus, it reduces stress and anxiety. Furthermore, investigations proved that it increases sperm quality after taking 5 g daily for 3 months. During this time, testosterone levels also increased by 22%. Moreover, there is evidence of increased performance in the gym, strength and stamina and fat loss.

As for the mechanisms, scientists believe this plant is especially beneficial for stressed individuals, by reducing cortisol levels and normalizing overall metabolism.

Maca Root

This plant is also known as Lepidium meyenii or Peruvian ginseng. It is a close relative to Brussels sprouts and grows in the Andes, where Inca people utilized it long ago as a powerful aphrodisiac and adaptogen.

However, for now, we have only a small evidence of the influence of this extract on the male hormonal system and the production of hormones. For instance, one research has proven the increase in testosterone concentration in mice. However, no such trials were conducted for humans.

Moreover, some studies did not reveal any correlation between its consumption and the level of hormones. Still, the plant arose libido and helped men to perform better in the bedroom. No significant changes are observed in athletic performance. Thus, more investigations are required to understand this plant.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is actually a complex that is crucial for many metabolic processes. According to scientific investigations, the most important compounds for male hormones are B2, B3, B6 and B12. They are required for the production of hormones and their further utilization.

In addition, the vitamin B complex contributes to eyesight, the functioning of the brain and the work of the digestive system. Thus, its adding to supplements has a powerful effect on the body.


This is one more valuable amino acid. It is crucial for the proper work of the nervous and cardiovascular system and helps to maintain male sexual ability.

As for testosterone levels, scientific investigations revealed that this compound promotes the secretion of luteinizing hormone. The latter activates other metabolic routes that lead to the higher production of the main male hormone. Thus, there is enough evidence of its usefulness and importance.

Natural Way to Boost Testosterone

In addition to taking supplements, it is advisable to follow general recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. This largely helps the body to maintain good shape and high activity levels in all areas of life.

Healthy Nutrition

First and foremost, pay attention to your diet. Include as much as you can fish, fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts and plant oils. Try to avoid processed, fried, fatty and salty food.

Furthermore, avoid drinking too much alcoholic beverages and quit smoking. These pieces of advice may seem very common. However, they are not so easy to follow due to the numerous temptations of modern life. Still, try to build up and stick to a healthy diet.

Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity is also more than beneficial for overall health. It can be anything from jogging and gym to swimming and yoga. Select the type of exercise that you like the most and enjoy it.

Many health problems appear due to a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, find time for walks, besides you will enjoy nature and this is also beneficial for health.

Healthy Weight

Two previous items will lead you to a healthy weight. Its maintenance is crucial for both the cardiovascular system and the hormonal system. When the body accumulates too much fat, this disturbs the metabolism and often leads to diabetes of the second type, as well as to the misbalance of sex hormones.

That is why, again pay attention to your diet and add enough physical activity to your daily routine to stay healthy.

Stress Management

At last, great risks to health are associated with constant high-stress levels. While short stress is even useful, its chronic counterpart disturbs the metabolism and always results in different diseases.

Unfortunately, we cannot eliminate all stress from our lives but we can cope with it using meditation, yoga, psychotherapy and other stress-relieving practices. Do not hesitate to add them to your lifestyle and you will see what great tools they are.


Altogether, the hormonal system is quite sophisticated and requires a lot of attention. If you feel some changes, it is better to start with diagnostics and make sure that there are some changes in testosterone levels. If they drop, start with natural ways to boost your body. The latter includes special supplements and general recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. Together, they can do a miracle for you and guarantee the activity and joy of life no matter how old you are.


What are the best ingredients to boost testosterone?

Among the top ten components that are found in most of the supplements, we should name D-aspartic acid, L-arginine, vitamins D and B, extracts of Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek, Ginger, Ashwagandha, Maca Root and zinc.

What is the most reliable testosterone booster?

To answer this question, check the manufacturer and the composition. Products that contain amino acids, vitamins D and B, zinc and extracts of Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek, Ginger, Ashwagandha and Maca Root belong to trustworthy and really boost the hormonal system.

How do I know if I have low testosterone?

The first signs include fatigue, lower sexual drive and performance in the bedroom and the gym, unexpected mood swings and hot flashes. The doctor prescribes the blood test to prove the diagnosis.

Do any supplements actually boost testosterone?

The reliable products that provide this effect must contain some of the following ingredients: D-aspartic acid, L-arginine, zinc, vitamin D and B, extracts of Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek, Ginger, Ashwagandha and Maca Root.

Does vitamin b increase testosterone?

The complex of vitamins of group B is highly important for overall health including the hormonal system. Scientific investigations have proven that these compounds take part in testosterone level regulation.