8 Natural Ways To Help Male Incontinence

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Urinary incontinence plagues millions of men around the world every day. As a result, these men find themselves frequently waking in the night to pee, sprinting to the nearest restroom for relief, and often planning their lives around the next sudden loss of bladder control. The good news is there are several natural ways to help male incontinence, and we’re here to discuss them.

Do you experience urinary leakage? Do you find yourself being jolted awake by the violent urge to urinate? Have you ever lost control of your bladder while working out, sneezing, coughing, or laughing?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be suffering from urinary incontinence. However, you should know you’re not alone. According to data pulled from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, about 17% of American men suffer from incontinence.[1] And that number jumps to 31% in older men.

We’ll cover several lifestyle practices and therapeutic techniques you can use to avoid further bladder degradation. And we’ll profile a 100% natural U.S.-patented bladder control supplement for men called VigRX Incontinix that uses research-supported compounds to help reduce the likelihood of male incontinence. Our goal is to provide you with an arsenal of natural ways to help male incontinence.

Common Forms Of Male Incontinence

Male incontinence usually involves the involuntary leaking of urine, but frequent sudden urges to urinate and the inability to make it to the restroom on time can also be signs of incontinence. Of course, the degree of urinary leakage and urge to go will vary in scope, along with frequency, from one man to the next because male incontinence can take on several different forms stemming from various causes.

The primary forms of male incontinence include:

  • Overflow Incontinence – Men who experience delayed dribbling post-urination or random bouts of urinary release are likely dealing with overflow incontinence. This common form of incontinence occurs in men from all walks of life. It happens when the bladder cannot empty itself entirely, leaving a small amount of urine behind, which then trickles out involuntarily.
  • Urge Incontinence – Characterized by the rapid, extreme, and even painful urge to urinate (often at night) followed by urine leakage, urge incontinence is sometimes confused with an overactive bladder. However, they aren’t exactly identical. Urge incontinence can occur when the brain preemptively signals the bladder to release urine or when bladder muscles go to work too early (before the bladder is full).
  • Stress Incontinence – If an action that puts pressure on the bladder and pelvic muscles causes involuntary urination, it’s likely to be a form of stress incontinence. Laughing, exercising, coughing, sneezing, yelling, or even sitting up or down too fast can all put some pressure on the bladder leading to leakage or dribbling. This can be the result of a weakened pelvic wall.
  • Functional Incontinence – Physical or mental ailments that make getting to a toilet before urinating difficult can be categorized as functional incontinence. An example could be impaired dexterity preventing one from quickly unbuttoning a pair of pants before releasing urine. This form of incontinence can lead to some demeaning experiences and is relatively common in older men.
  • Mixed Incontinence – When multiple forms of incontinence combine to make proper urinary control difficult, it’s referred to as mixed incontinence. Sometimes men may experience frequent urges, stress-induced leakage, and overflow at various times. This form of incontinence can happen to men of all ages. However, the likelihood of dealing with such problems grows with age.

If one’s incontinence is caused by a disease, a physician might prescribe a medicine, and dietary supplements are not designed to take the place of medicines.  However, for incontinence caused by natural factors such as aging, there are many ways to fight back. Now that we’ve gone over the principal forms of incontinence, we’ll dive into the best natural ways to help male incontinence.

The Best Natural Practices To Help Male Incontinence

The truth is that urinary incontinence can severely diminish a man’s quality of life, not to mention the embarrassing accidents it can regularly bring about. With that in mind, we’ll give you some reliable natural ways to help male incontinence, including a deep dive into a cutting-edge all-natural dietary supplement designed to improve bladder control.

1.   Pelvic Floor Exercises

The group of intertwined muscles and other connective tissues at the base of the pelvis is what’s known as the pelvic floor. These muscles, tissues, and ligaments run from the pubic bone to the tailbone. This complex web is crucial to several bodily processes and provides support for the bladder.

The pelvic floor is necessary for:

  • Urinary Control
  • Proper Bowel Movements
  • Sexual Wellness

However, the muscles in the pelvic floor begin to wither and weaken with age. Additionally, most popular exercise routines tend to neglect the essential pelvic floor muscle structures in favor of more glamorous muscle groups.

An exercise known as the Kegel is an excellent way to strengthen the pelvic floor and could result in improved bladder control over time.

To perform Kegels, you’ll want to start by identifying the group of muscles you use to exert outward pressure on your bladder and bowels. Once you’ve done that, you can relax your body in a comfortable position, like lying on your back or sitting down.

Then, you want to isolate and tighten said muscles for 5-10 seconds and then release for 5-10 seconds. Repeat this process 10-20 times 3-5 times a day.

Of course, the amount of strain you place on these muscles should vary based on age, physical strength, and other factors. So, start with a number of repetitions that are comfortable for you. In time, you can advance to more strenuous exercises, pushing your pelvic floor muscles further.

And consult a professional if you’re unsure of how to proceed with such exercises or if you’ve experienced a recent injury.

2.   Bladder Training

A popular and reliable natural way to help male incontinence is by practicing bladder training regularly.

What exactly is bladder training, you may ask?

The practice of bladder training consists of delaying urination once the urge to go hits. At the moment you feel the need to urinate, you’ll need to resist or wait 5-10 minutes before actually relieving yourself.

The goal of this practice is to lengthen the average time between bathroom trips in the long term. In essence, you’re training your bladder to reduce its need to be emptied so frequently. In theory, (and likely in practice), the bladder should adapt and strengthen.

Some tips to help with bladder training include:

  • Keep A Log – Jot down the times you urinate throughout the day. You can come up with reliable numbers and chart your progress this way. It’s no different than keeping a fitness or dietary log, which can help you stay motivated.
  • Gradually Increase Intervals – Slowly lengthen the time between each trip to the restroom by a minute or so every week. It’s important not to push it too far, too quickly because this could result in embarrassing accidental releases.
  • Remain Patient – It’s essential to note bladder training takes time to yield results. So, don’t expect vast improvements in your first week. Ideally, wait 1-2 months before expecting to notice tangible gains.

Bladder training can help to enhance the situation for many men with incontinence. However, outcomes can vary from man to man. If you’re dealing with serious health complications, consult your physician before trying bladder training.

3.   Pilates Workouts

Pilates is a core-strengthening exercise regimen invented by a man named Joseph Pilates just over 100 years ago. However, it has grown wildly popular over the last few years. Nearly every fitness center or personal trainer has begun incorporating some Pilates elements into their routines.

Many Pilates exercises require no equipment and can simply be done with your body weight, sharing some traits with certain forms of yoga.

The goals of Pilates exercises are to:

  • Strengthen Core Muscles – Pilates can help to strengthen lower back, abdominal, and pelvic floor muscles, all of which play a critical role in bladder control.
  • Improve Posture – Slouching can put extra pressure on the bladder and increase the likelihood of incontinence. Pilates works to enhance posture, reducing pressure on the bladder over time.
  • Enhance Mindfulness – Frequently, male incontinence can originate from a weakened mental state. Pilates focuses on boosting mindfulness, focus, and mindset. These mentality enhancements can also help to reduce some factors contributing to incontinence.

Like Kegels, Pilates can help to strengthen crucial muscles that support the bladder and promote the reduced likelihood of incontinence. Unlike more high-impact exercises such as weight training, Pilates won’t put added stress on the bladder, a concern for those with stress incontinence.

If you’re new to exercising, be sure to speak with a professional before jumping into a Pilates routine. And take it slow to start. Perfecting the form before moving on to more intense exercise routines is vital.

That said, Pilates can be an excellent way to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and have fun while doing so, making it one of the best natural ways to help male incontinence.

4.   Reduce Excess Body Fat

As men age, unwanted fat is more likely to accumulate around the belly and chest areas. This fact is largely due to lowered hormonal levels, stress, and other factors related to aging. Excess body fat can lead to a host of negative outcomes for wellness, one of them being the increased likelihood of incontinence.

Unfortunately, as guys get on in years, it becomes more challenging to shed those pesky pounds, and key muscles are also beginning to weaken. So, what’s a man to do about it?

Taking measures that can support long-term body fat reduction is a great place to start. We’re not talking about fad diets or cleanses, either. We’re looking at highly-regarded practices to create sustainable health outcomes.

These include:

  • Cutting Daily Calories – Lowering your daily caloric intake is a surefire way to reduce body fat. However, it’s critical to maintain a healthy intake of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it’s tricky to consume fewer calories while remaining healthy. For many, it may be best to consult a nutritionist on the topic.
  • Balancing Macronutrients – In other words, ensure that you’re eating the recommended amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Eating whole foods like lean meat, fruit, vegetables, and whole grains is best.
  • Staying Active – Walking, running, cycling, going to the gym, and anything else you can do to remain active will help you to cut body fat and build stronger muscle. In the long run, these activities can significantly reduce body fat.

Many men have to deal with some added fat, especially after 30-40 years of age. Sadly, it’s just a fact of life. However, you can take many easy steps to lower your body fat and achieve tangible results. In turn, this will also help to reduce incontinence.

5.   Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese art used to boost energy or, as some would call it, the “life force” that flows through the human body. Despite some pushback, acupuncture has continued to gain popularity around the globe in recent years.

Acupuncture generally requires trained individuals to insert thin needles into “meridians” or pressure points around the body. The practice can focus on specific areas of the body, depending on the needs of the person receiving the needles.

Acupuncture is used to help:

  • Digestive Issues
  • Pain Management
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Fertility Concerns
  • Urinary Difficulties

Recently, some small-scale studies have reported that when done by trained professionals, acupuncture could help improve bladder control and reduce incontinence.

The results can vary wildly from person to person, though, and further research is likely needed to confirm these conclusions.

6.   Eat Plenty Of Fiber

Irregular bowel movements, sphincter tension, and constipation, can cause the pelvic floor muscles to function less efficiently. Simply put, if you’re experiencing issues with defecating, it’s likely you’ll also suffer from a form of incontinence. This becomes more true with age.

Eat Plenty Of Fiber

Therefore it’s critical to eat a diet high in fiber because fiber is essential for healthy bowel movements. Fiber helps the body release solid waste more quickly and efficiently, allowing the pelvic floor to operate at a higher capacity in the long run.

Foods high in fiber include:

  • Beans & Lentils
  • Berries
  • Broccoli
  • Avocados
  • Apples
  • Whole Grains
  • Potatoes
  • Nuts

Regularly ingesting more of these foods will help add mass to, and soften, your stool. As a result, the excretion of feces becomes easier, putting far less stress on the pelvic floor. Eating a diet high in fiber is recommended for all, but especially for individuals over 40-50 years of age because the digestive system and pelvic floor begin to weaken around this time.

7.   Avoid Stress

It’s not uncommon to hear the phrase “stress kills,” and while we all know stress can be bad for wellness, it’s often impossible to avoid. In today’s hectic world, there are constant demands put on us by work, family, and friends. It can all be very stressful.

Have you ever been stressed or nervous and felt the sudden need to head to the restroom? If so, you’re not alone. It’s quite literally a natural biological response.

This urge happens because stress releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which induce the “fight or flight” response. A side effect of this response can be an overactive bladder or the urgent need to urinate.

Additionally, long-term stress can also weaken muscles and hasten the degradation of large muscle groups.

Some tips for lowering stress include:

  • Breathing Exercises
  • Meditation & Yoga
  • Engage In Fun Hobbies
  • Set Aside Time For Relaxation
  • Avoid Things That Induce Stress

Implementing some of these practices into your life can go a long way toward reducing stress while also potentially helping with incontinence.

8.   Use An All-Natural Bladder Control Supplement

VigRX Bladder Control Supplement

Thanks to advanced nutritional data and emerging science, there has been an explosion of high-quality, all-natural health supplements in recent years. These dietary aids use plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds that work together to enhance aspects of wellness with no known negative side effects. 

Some of these all-natural supplements are designed to reduce incontinence and promote enhanced bladder control. And even better for men, a few natural supplements work primarily to improve male incontinence specifically.

The best bladder control supplements are:

  • 100% Natural
  • Built With Research-Supported Ingredients
  • Manufactured In The USA
  • Offering A Money-Back Guarantee
  • Delivered In Discreet Packaging
  • Carrying No Known Negative Side Effects
  • Available Prescription-Free

Based on our research, VigRX Incontinix stood out as the clear-cut best male incontinence or bladder control supplement. Significant evidence exists showing that this all-natural supplement could be one of the premier natural ways to fight male incontinence.

For that reason, we recommend trying VigRX Incontinix if you’re looking for a natural supplement to optimize your bladder control. We will give you all the essential details on precisely how VigRX Incontinix operates and the potential benefits it could provide for you shortly.

Natural Ways To Help Male Incontinence

Male incontinence may be prevalent in today’s day and age, especially as we live longer and, many times, more stressful lives. However, by focusing on natural ways to reduce incontinence, we can rectify some of these problems and live happier, better lives overall.

Remember, all of these practices take some commitment. But, when they are incorporated into your daily routine, they can yield potentially massive improvements for male incontinence.

Now we’re going to provide you with all of the latest information regarding VigRX Incontinix, an elite all-natural supplement designed to enhance male bladder control, and our pick for the best natural bladder control supplement on the market.

This supplement may be one of the most reliable natural ways to help male incontinence, and we’ll tell you how we reached that conclusion below.

VigRX Incontinix – An Overview

VigRX Incontinix is a revolutionary bladder control supplement designed specifically for men. The 100% natural formula holds a patent in the USA. It’s comprised of several scientifically-supported compounds that can help to bolster bladder wellness and support the reduced incidence of male incontinence.

Since bursting onto the scene several years ago, VigRX Incontinix has been generating buzz among health supplement enthusiasts and medical professionals alike.

In fact, Dr. Lauren Schulz, a highly-respected board-certified urologist, said, “Incontinix can significantly relieve urgency and overactive bladder in men. I’m thrilled to recommend it to my patients.”

VigRX Incontinix could help to:

  • Reduce Frequency Of Urination Urges
  • Lower The Likelihood Of Leakage
  • Boost Overall Bladder Wellness
  • Improve Quality Of Life
  • Enhance Sleep Quality

Ample evidence, including user reviews, ingredient studies, doctor support, and other factors, indicate that VigRX Incontinix could help to provide impressive benefits for bladder control with no reported downsides.

How Does VigRX Incontinix Work?

VigRX Incontinix employs a 3 step approach to supporting optimal bladder wellness. It starts by supporting muscle growth in the pelvic wall. Other elements in the formula assist in boosting the efficiency of cells within the bladder itself. And thirdly, some active ingredients contribute to enhanced sphincter wellness because the sphincter plays a pivotal role in bladder control.

The 3-step process can help users to improve bladder control WITHOUT:

  • Reducing Fluid Intake
  • Increased Exercise
  • A Prescription
  • Any Known Negative Side Effects

This breakthrough formula could yield excellent bladder-supporting results in just a few weeks. And all it requires is taking a pair of easy-to-swallow vegetarian-friendly capsules once a day.

The secret to the success of VigRX Incontinix lies in its all-natural patented formula that has won the praise of many individuals who specialize in bladder wellness.

VigRX Incontinix Ingredients

VigRX Incontinix uses a simple but highly-effective formula to deliver noticeable improvements for male incontinence. All told, the ingredient list consists of 3 well-respected herbal compounds. The identical combination of extracts found in VigRX Incontinix was subjected to an 8-week clinical trial involving 150 participants in Australia and showed tremendous results.[2]

The study noted that after just 8 weeks, participants experienced:

  • Reduced Frequency Of Daytime Urination
  • Lowered Frequency Of Nighttime Urination
  • Complete Reversal Of Incontinence (23% Of The Time)
  • Lowered Overall Urination Urgency (By 62% On Average)

This landmark study into the compounds that make up VigRX Incontinix gave legitimate credence to the idea that this mixture of natural compounds could potentially work wonders for bladder control and provide a great natural way to help male incontinence.

So, what exactly is in VigRX Incontinix?

Let’s go over the specific compounds that make up this dynamic formula.

Cratevox (Crataeva Nurvala)

Crataeva Nurvala is a small tree in the Capparaceae family, indigenous to India. It has a long history of usage in Ayurvedic therapeutics for helping to resolve urinary and bladder issues. To this day, Indian people still use the plant’s leaves, bark, roots, and fruits for wellness improvement.

Cratevox is a purified extract containing a high concentration of the potent bladder-supporting nutrients present in the plant. Cratevox is likely to stimulate more significant benefits than Crataeva Nurvala itself because the extract delivers greater consistency for optimal results.

The patented extraction process ensures that every batch is chock-full of excellent nutritional value. 

Lindera Aggregata

This berry-producing tree is native to East Asia, mainly China, and is sometimes called Evergreen Lindera. Chinese therapeutics have commonly used it to benefit multiple aspects of wellness for hundreds of years. They call it Wu Yao.

The bark of this tree is packed with nutritious bioactive compounds, which may contribute to enhanced bladder control. Compounds like alkaloids, phenols, and essential oils are plentiful in Lindera Aggregata.

Traditionally, the Chinese revere the plant for its anti-inflammatory properties to help with pain reduction, digestive wellness, and circulation efficiency.

Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense)

Horsetail, also called Equisetum Arvense or sometimes Foxtail, is a small fern that resembles an animal’s tail when it sprouts in the spring. It’s known to be a potent diuretic that can support urinary tract wellness. It could also potentially make it easier to completely empty the bladder when urinating.

The plant itself contains high concentrations of phenolic acids and flavonoids that have strong anti-inflammatory capabilities. Inflammation in and around the bladder can severely degrade bladder efficiency. Therefore natural anti-inflammatories are likely to help remedy this issue.

The plant has a storied track record of use for wellness promotion, dating back to Europe in antiquity and some Native American cultures.

VigRX Incontinix Manufacturing Standards

VigRX Incontinix is produced and distributed by Leading Edge Health, a highly-regarded dietary supplement maker with over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. All Leading Edge Health dietary products follow cGMP manufacturing standards set forth by the FDA.  And all of their supplements come with some form of a money-back guarantee.

VigRX Incontinix is manufactured in the USA, where its formula is patented as an all-natural bladder control supplement.

It’s safe to say that VigRX Incontinix is manufactured with some of the most rigorous standards in the health supplement industry. You can reliably expect to get a consistent product without any known negative side effects.

VigRX Incontinix – Money-Back Guarantee

Elite all-natural health supplements can be one of the best natural ways to help male incontinence and some other forms of wellness degradation, too.

A clear marker of an elite health supplement will always be the offer of a money-back guarantee. Money-back guarantees provide assurance and protection for consumers while also showing manufacturer confidence.

We’re happy to report that VigRX Incontinix offers an excellent money-back guarantee for all users. You can even buy and try the product. Then return it if it doesn’t work for you.

It looks like this:

  • The Guarantee Is Good For 67 Days
  • You Can Return Used & Unused Packaging
  • You’ll Be Refunded For the Purchase Price
  • There Are No Hassles & No Fine Print

The 67-day money-back guarantee gives users just over 2 months to take VigRX Incontinix for a free test drive of sorts. If it doesn’t help, you can simply send it back and get a refund of the purchase price.

This money-back guarantee can provide significant peace of mind for those who may be hesitant to try a new supplement.

VigRX Incontinix – Pricing

VigRX Incontinix is competitively priced with its peers and could offer excellent bang for your buck, as compared to many other health supplements.

A 1-month supply (1 bottle containing 60 capsules) costs $49.99. Payment plans are available. And when you buy in bulk, you can save some serious money.

Bulk pricing looks like this:

  • 2-Month Supply—$44.99/Bottle
  • 3-Month Supply—$41.66/Bottle

Again payment plans are available for bulk orders. And all orders ship for free in the continental USA.

Remember your order is protected by the 67-day money-back guarantee. So, you can always order and see how well VigRX Incontinix works for you, essentially risk-free.

VigRX Incontinix – Where To Order

We’d advise buying directly through the manufacturer. Generally, with health supplements, when you buy directly from the manufacturer, you’ll get lower prices, better customer service, and a more enjoyable experience than you would by ordering through a third-party seller.

The official VigRX Incontinix homepage can offer the best customer experience, including the money-back guarantee and free shipping.

8 Natural Ways To Help Male Incontinence – Final Thoughts

Male incontinence can severely reduce a man’s overall quality of life. Even the strongest of men often have to deal with embarrassing urinary incidents where they’re racing to the restroom during an important meeting, missing an event because they need to go, or sometimes even worse.

As disheartening as that sounds, it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. In fact, there are several big, bright lights at the end of that scary tunnel.

By choosing to make some lifestyle changes like eating more fiber, performing Kegels and Pilates, reducing body fat, avoiding stress, doing bladder training, or perhaps trying acupuncture, you can take steps to reduce your incontinence and improve bladder control. 

For many men, using a daily dietary supplement could be the best natural way to help control male incontinence. We’d recommend VigRX Incontinix because, from what we’ve seen, it’s clearly the best all-natural bladder control supplement available.

You can turn it around if you’re struggling with declining bladder control and incontinence. Try adding the best natural ways to help male incontinence into your life for enhanced outcomes and a higher quality of life.

[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17070268/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793427/